AU - حمودة، منى سيد AU - ذكي، وسيمة عمر AB - The prevailing thinking styeles and their relationship with optimism and pessimism among students of the faculty of education Qassim university. This research aims to find out the prevailing thinking methods to the students of the Faculty of Education sections of psychology and special education Qassim University, and disclosure of optimism and pessimism to have, as well as the disclosure of the relationship between thinking and optimism and pessimism patterns , and use the search scale thinking methods in light of the classification Harrison and Bramson, preparation / Wasima Omar Mohammad Zaki, and the measure of optimism and pessimism preparation / Ahmed Abdel-Khalek, and applied to a sample of 100 students from the Faculty of Education. The results of the study concluded that pragmatist thinking style came in first, followed by idealist thinking style then realist thinking style, followed analyst thinking style, while synthesis thinking style less commonly used types of thinking among students. There was also one dimension thinking where it came from higher repetition rate, and then followed by the two dimension thinking followed flat thinking, while the lowest rate of recurrence three dimension thinking. As well as optimism feature is the most presence in a sample study. The study did not find a statistically significant correlation relationship between any of the thinking styles (idealist, and analyst, and synthesis, and pragmatist, and realis) optimism and pessimism. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 359-384 T1 - أسالیب التفكیر السائدة وعلاقتها بالتفاؤل والتشاؤم لدى طالبات کلیة التربیة بجامعة القصیم [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1