AU - أحمد، شعبان عبد العظيم AB - The study aimed to definite the effectiveness of strategy based on operating brain lateralization to teaching psychology for developed systematic thinking and some live skills and reducate anxiety for secondary school girls student, researcher prepared systematic thinking test , and study applied on 30 girl student as experimental group and 30 student as control group, the study reached to the effectiveness of strategy, based on operating brain lateralization to teaching psychology for developed systematic thinking for secondary school girls student, in analysis systematic ,closed gaps, relations perception . And synthesis systematic , and study reached to the effectiveness of suggested strategy, based on operating brain lateralization to teaching psychology for developed life skills in communication solving problem , self-administration and time , to profit the results researcher measure differences means between post and following application, and reached to that no differences means between two applications in systematic thinking and life skills, it reflex that changes in performance due to strategy based on operating brain lateralization and impact reliability learning, the study reached to the effectiveness of strategy, based on operating brain lateralization to teaching psychology for reeducating anxiety. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 17-68 T1 - فاعلیة استراتیجیة مقترحة قائمة على تشغیل جانبي الدماغ لتدریس علم النفس في تنمیة مهارات التفكیر المنظومي وبعض المهارات الحیاتیة واختزال القلق لدى طالبات المرحلة الثانویة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1