AU - الدوسري، الجوهرة محمد جريه AB - The aim of this study is the acquisition of kindergarten children of the meanings and environmental behaviors and awareness through a suggested program based on to standards of the family education of the curriculum of the kindergarten children in the Saudi Arabia, the study followed the descriptive approach and semi-descriptive with the only group. And the sample was consisted of fifty child their ages are between (5 to 6) years who are selected from the second governmental kindergarten in Besha in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then it has been applied with the study in the second term from the educational year (2013/2014), and to investigate of the effect of the program two tools have been prepared : a pictured test to measure the behavior of the environmental awareness. The results showed the existence of an improvement in the standard of the environmental awareness for the children (the sample of the study) thanks to the suggested program. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 113-139 T1 - أثر برنامج مقترح قائم على معاییر مجال التربیة الأسریة لإكساب سلوكیات الوعي البیئي ومفاهیمه لدى طفل الروضة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1