AU - الشريف، أسامة عبد الغفار محمد علي
AB - This study aims at knowing those academic problems (syllabuses, teaching methods, achievement tests) and administrative problems (academic advising, classrooms, technological equipments, and student activities) that face preparatory-year students at Tabuk University. The study also explores statistical differences between students' means in response to different variables of the study (studens' level in study, sex, and educational specialization). Descriptive method is employed by this study. Study tools include both interviews and a questionnaire to investigate preparatory-year students' points of view about academic and adminsterative problems facing them at Tabuk University Study results Study results proves that there is an average level of problems relating to all variables of the study. The level is high concerning academic problems. Problems relating to teaching methods have high level and came first. Educational supervision problems came second. Problems connecting to syllabuses came fourth and achievement tests problems came last. There are no statistical differences in the variable of 'educational level' except for some problems relating to teaching sechdule, classrooms and student activites. These differences were in favour of the second level. No statistical differences were found in favor of (science) relating to the variable of sex or the variable of specialization except for those problems relating to (teaching sechule and student activities. (Published abstract)
OP - ص ص. 237-294
T1 - المشكلات الأكادیمیة والإداریة التي تواجه طلاب السنة التحضیریة بجامعة تبوك بعد توزیعهم على كلیاتهم من وجهة نظرهم [مقال]
UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1