AU - كمال، مرفت محمد AU - شتات، رباب محمد المرسي AB - The current research aimed at revealing the effectiveness of a suggested strategy in the light of brain- based learning theory on achievement, visual thinking skills and perceived self-efficacy of preparatory stage students. A strategy was constructed in the light of brain-based theory and a unit was chosen from first year prep course (geometry and measurement). A teacher guide and work sheets were designed for not left brain dominance students (right-brain dominance students + half the students of the both sides together). Another teacher’s guide and work sheets were prepared for not right brain dominance students (left-brain dominance students +half the students of the both sides).Tools of the study were prepared including math achievement test, visual thinking skills test and perceived self- efficacy measurement. The experimental method was used as one experimental group was used which studied the suggested unit with two more independent branch groups by using the instructions of the suggested unit which suits the brain type dominance of each group. Tools of the study were pre and post applied and the results proved the effectiveness of a suggested strategy in the light of brain- based learning theory on achievement, visual thinking skills and perceived self-efficacy of the experimental group. The study recommended the use of educational application of the two hemispheres brain theory to improve mathematic learning outcomes. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 15-70 T1 - فعالية استراتيجية مقترحة في ضوء نظرية التعلم المستند إلى جانبي الدماغ على التحصيل ومهارات التفكير البصري والكفاءة الذاتية المدركة لدى طالبات المرحلة الإعدادية [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1