AU - رمزي، هاني شفيق AB - Determine the skills of drawing and coloring needed for pre-school children. Image Detection of the proposed strategy for the interactive whiteboard to develop the skills of drawing and coloring for pre-school children. Identify the impact of the use of the proposed strategy for the interactive whiteboard to increase collection rates in children pre-school to the side of the cognitive skills of drawing and coloring. Identify the impact of the use of the proposed strategy for the interactive whiteboard in increased rates the performance of pre-school children to the skills of drawing and coloring. Discussion and interpretation of results References to the results and impact of the presence of the proposed strategy to use the interactive whiteboard to increase collection rates and the performance of pre-school children to the skills of drawing and coloring , and can interpret these results in light of the following: Strategy that the use of the proposed compact to use the interactive whiteboard , allowing for the possibility of interaction with her children , and lead to attract the attention of children to learn. Strategy to provide the proposed compact to use interactive whiteboard opportunity for children to work independently , in terms of providing education in small steps to solve the problem and provide levels of difficulty in a phased manner. Control of children in the interactive whiteboard in terms of presentation, and stopped, and returned again as needed; leads to a full understanding of the topics presented. Strategy helps to compact the proposed use of the interactive whiteboard to control the interactive whiteboard with the possibility of recurrence and watch the results, and this is appropriate for children to ease the work load on working memory. Provide immediate feedback to the performance of children, and to encourage them and give them the motivation to stay in the job, as well as its ability to attract attention for a long time. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 127-157 T1 - إستراتيجية مقترحة لاستخدام السبورة التفاعلية في تعليم مهارات الرسم والتلوين لدى أطفال ما قبل المدرسة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1