AU - الساعدي، ميثم عبد الكاظم هاشم AB - Your current search targeted to identify: 1) the character of avoidance students at the University College Mustansiriya. 2) The significance of differences at the level (0,05) in the profile of students in the university Mustansiriya according to the gender variable (students - students). 3) self-esteem among students of Mustansiriya University. 4) Significance of differences at the level (0,05) in self-esteem among students of Mustansiriya University according to the gender variable (students - students). 5) To identify the nature of the relationship between personality and self-esteem and self-esteem among students of Mustansiriya University. The descriptive lexicon was used and the appropriate procedures were used to achieve the current research objectives. The researcher reached the following conclusions: 1) The sample of the research from Mustansiriya University students does not have a negative personality and there are no statistically significant differences according to gender variable (students - students). 2) The sample of research from the University of Mustansiriya students pride themselves and the absence of differences of statistical significance in self-esteem according to the gender variable (students - students). 3) The results indicated the weakness of the correlation between personality and self - pride. As the researcher came out with a set of recommendations and proposals. (Published Abstract) OP - ص ص. 462-502 T1 - الشخصية التجنبية وعلاقتها بالاعتزاز بالنفس لدى طلبة الجامعة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1