AU - العيد، محمد صالح AU - العمران، جيهان عيسى أبو راشد AU - الشيراوي، أماني عبد الرحمن AB - The purpose of the study was to investigate the work-family balance and its relationship to marital adjustment among Saudi female teachers. It also aimed to study the significant differences between those of high versus low marital adjustment on work-family balance. The study also sought to identify the extent to which the level of work-family balance was affected by the years of experience, the duration of marriage, age and the number of children. The study followed the descriptive analytical method and two tools were implemented: The Marital Adjustment Scale, which was developed by Shalaby (2009) and the scale of Work-Family Balance which was developed by Fisher (2001) and translated by Shirawi (2014). The sample consisted of (200) female teachers that were randomly selected, using stratified sampling procedures, from the primary, intermediate, and secondary levels at Al-Khobar public schools. The results showed a statistically significant negative correlation between marital adjustment and the work interference with family (negative impact) and between marital adjustment and the family interference with work (negative impact) as well as a statistically significant positive correlation between marital adjustment and the family-work mutual reinforcement (positive impact). The study was concluded with some recommendations. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 11-40 T1 - التوازن بين العمل والأسرة وعلاقته بالتوافق الزواجي لدى عينة من المعلمات السعوديات [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)