AU - الفويهي، هزاع بن عبد الكريم AB - The present study aims to present a proposed vision for the development of the professional competencies of science teachers in the intermediate stage in view of Saudi vision (2030). The study used descriptive method in social survey. The study population consists of the science teachers of the intermediate stage in the general education schools in Sakaka. The researcher selected 81 teachers in a simple random sampling method. The researcher built the study tool and consisted of a questionnaire designed to answer the study questions in the light of the scientific literature related to the subject of the study. The questionnaire consisted of four axes: teaching efficiency, technological competencies, human competencies and calendar competencies. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: the agreement of the science teachers of the intermediate stage in the general education schools in Skaka on the importance of the availability of professional competence of science teachers to a large extent. As well as the availability of those competencies to a medium degree, and the existence of significant differences in the degree of availability of teachers for the benefit of postgraduate studies and the absence of differences in the variables of professional experience and training courses. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 1-37 T1 - تصور مقترح لتطوير الكفايات المهنية لدى معلّمي العلوم في المرحلة المتوسّطة في ضوء أهداف رؤية (2030) [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1