AU - عبد الوهاب، نبيل AU - عاشور، إسماعيل عبد زيد AB - The active learning is educational philosophy based on positive learner in the classroom and is designed to activate the role of the learner as learning through work and research and experimentation and adoption of the learner to the same access to information and skills and the formation of values and attitudes is not based on the conservation and indoctrination, but on the development of thinking and the ability to problem-solving and teamwork, cooperative learning and peer learning The active learning techniques used by the teacher of the most important aspects of the educational process and all method has a particular role in the growth of educated respects physical and skill, emotional and cognitive, and stop dependence on a method what kind of skill and educational situation and the learner, the method of teaching, which provides learning situations varied and takes into account the differences individual learners is the appropriate method to achieve the objectives sought by the educators. Research Problem Through the work of a researcher at the faculty in the Department of Physical Education to teach all team sports is through the traditional way, with the teacher and the student teacher explained how to perform the skill and provide a model to them and to the students can play accordingly, which leads to non-observance of individual differences among learners where are grouped a number of learners looked after one teacher is providing educational material, and that the method of explanation and performance model does not achieve self-learner does not allow him the opportunity to participate positive mutual according to preach educational trends of modern, that learners are not all in one level and you should keep in mind that education deals with the various elements of the learners because everyone special qualities that are different from one person to another. 1-3 goal: This research aims to identify: - Building and educational impact of the use of units active learning according to the style of learning peers (application directing peer duo and four-peer application guidance) on some skill and physical variables in volleyball. - The impact of the use of active learning according to the style of learning peers (application directing peer duo and four-peer application guidance) on some skill and physical variables in volleyball. Hypotheses: In light of the objectives of the research researcher assumes the following: - There are significant differences between the mean scores of measurements Pre and post group experimental Aldhabtho in variable skill And physical skills volleyball under discussion and in favor of Dimensional measurement. - There are significant differences between the mean scores of measurements Badaan two experimental and control groups in the variable skill And physical skills volleyball under discussion and in favor of Experimental group. Areas of research: The human sphere: second grade students in the Department of Physical Education Teachers Institute Central School for Boys / Kadhimiya for the academic year 2012. The temporal domain: from 2/2/2012 until 05/16/2012. Spatial domain: the sports hall in the Department of Physical Education Teachers Institute Central School for Boys / Kadhimiya. The second quarter included a theoretical framework and previous studies. The third chapter researchers used experimental method either sample were students from the second row at the Institute of Teacher Central Boys / Kadhimiya 2011/2012-strong (217) two hundred and seventeen students was baptized researchers selected a sample of (64) sixty-four students represent 29.49% from the research community, has been their partition into two equal groups each strength (32) Thirty-two students. researchers deliberately to sample homogeneity and equal was the use of appropriate statistical methods to search. One of the most important conclusions: 1 - the traditional method of teaching has a positive effect D. learn skills in volleyball skills. 2 - the proposed method (application directing peer duo and quartet) has a positive effect D. variable skill Alibdnao in volleyball skills. 3 - the proposed method (application directing peer duo and quartet) has a positive effect D more than the traditional method of teaching on the variable physical skills. The main recommendations were: 1 - the need to hold training sessions in active learning strategies. 2 - the need for further studies using active learning strategies Bonamath different samples to other stages and on other variables. (Published Abstract) OP - ص ص. 917-940 T1 - تأثير استخدام التعلم النشط وفق استراتيجية تعلم الاقران في بعض المتغيرات البدنية والمهارية في كرة الطائرة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1