AU - Mohamed, Walaa Adel Abdel Salam AU - Qoura, Aly Abdul-Samea AU - El Hadidy, Mervat Saleh AB - The present study aimed at investigating the effect of using Interactive white board activities based program (IWB) on improving primary stage pupils' writing skills and their motivation. The targeted writing sub- skills were (Content, vocabulary, grammar, organization, Mechanics of writing). The study adopted the quasi-experimental design using sixty sixth year primary stage pupils to be the study participants who were divided into two groups: an Experimental group received the IWB treatment and a Control group received the traditional method. Instruments designed and used in the study were à writing skills questionnaire, a pre-post writing test, an interactive whiteboard activities check list, and a writing motivation scale. The Experimental treatment was conducted during the second semester in the academic year 2016/2017. Results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the Experimental and control groups on both instruments (EFL writing test and motivation scale) in favor of the Experimental group. In addition, there were statistically significant differences between pre- and post-levels of the Experimental group on both instruments in favor of the post level. These results indicated that the IWB led to developing pupils' EFL writing skills and motivation in English language. (Published abstract) OP - pp. 127-148 T1 - An interactive whiteboard activities-based program to enhance EFL primary learners' writing skills and motivation [Article] UL - 1 Full text (PDF)