AU - النواجحة، زهير عبد الحميد AB - The current study aimed to identify the psychological pollution level among college graduates unemployed, and Find differences in psychological pollution depending variable on sex, marital status, academic qualification, and the number of years of unemployment ,were selected for random sample of unemployed university graduates work and registered within the records of the work of the Rafah Directorate-strong (300). Therefore the researcher designed psychological pollution scale, the study results showed the high level of denial of identity, of civilization and abuse, hung up On the other hand the results showed low level of tendency to commit suicide and chaotic, The study results indicated the existence of differences in psychological pollution according to gender in favor of males and according to social situation variable in favor of singles. And The results showed no differences in psychological pollution according on qualification variable, and number of years of unemployment variable. (Published Abstract) OP - ص ص. 267-289 T1 - التلوث النفسي لدى خريجي الجامعات العاطلين عن العمل في محافظة رفح [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1