AU - بن رجم، إدريس
AB - The study aimed to determine the correlation between the dimensions of organizational justice (distribution justice, fairness of procedures, fairness of transactions) and the citizenship behavior of the staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities. The Hypotheses of this stydy are: 1) Is there a correlation between the fairness of the distribution and the behavior of citizenship among the staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities in M'sila? 2) Is there a correlation between the fairness of the procedures and the behavior of citizenship among the staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities in M'sila? 3) Is there a correlation between the fairness of transactions and the behavior of citizenship among the staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports activities in M'sila? The methodology of this study is a descriptive approach, in a way of mutual relations. The sample of the study was selected according to a full survey method, with a sample of 27 employees and employees working in the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities. The results are: 1) There is no significant correlation between the distribution justice and the behavior of citizenship in the staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities. 2) There is a correlation between the fairness of the procedures and the behavior of citizenship among the staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of physical and sports activities at the University of M'sila. 3) There is a correlation between the fairness of transactions and the behavior of citizenship among the staff of the Institute of Science and Technology of physical activities and sports at the University of M'sila. (Published Abstract)
AB - L’objectif général de l’étude est de connaitre la relation corrélative entre La justice organisationnelle et le comportement chez les fonctionnaires au sein de l'Institut de science et de technologie des activités physiques et mathématiques de l'Université deMsila. On a opté pour la méthode descriptive corrélative vu qu’elle est compatible avec la nature de cette recherche. Un questionnaire inséré sous forme d’une échelle de Likert quintet. L'échantillon de l'étude a été sélectionné selon une méthode d'enquête complète, avec un échantillon de 27 fonctionnaires travaillant dans staps Msila. Les résultats obtenus: 1) Aucune relation corrélative entre la Justice de distribution et le comportement chez les fonctionnaires des staps M’Sila. 2) Il y a une relation corrélative faible entre Justice de la procédure chez les fonctionnaires des staps M’Sila. 3) Il y a une relation corrélative faible entre La justice de traiter et le comportement de la citoyenneté chez les fonctionnaires des staps M’Sila. (Résumé publié)
OP - ص ص. 341-358
T1 - العدلة التنظيمية وعلاقتها بسلوك المواطنة لدى موظفي معهد علوم وتقنيات النشاطات البدنية والرياضية بجامعة المسيلة [مقال]
UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1