AU - محمود، غادة AB - The introduction and significance of the current research is based on that there are a lot of coaches who feel frustrated for the lack of standards and precise criteria relied upon in their work, making them resort to the use of public tables relating to the different variables facing the players during training and this demonstrates the necessity and importance of the availability of specialized and intended lists for levels. The research problem is revealed through the researcher experience of being the coach of the university team, so the researcher found that there is a problem and wanted to go into this area .The researcher proposed the use of patterns of the body as one of the indicators available as a solution to extract the most important physical measurements and due to the importance of the body pattern. The aim of the research is to identify the most important physical measurements of the badminton team players of the university, and to identify the patterns of physical players of badminton university team .The researcher used descriptive approach to suit the nature of the work. The research sample consisted of Badminton team players of Al Mustansiriya University totaling (6) players for the year (2014-2015). It has been shown that the slim muscular pattern is dominant and thinness component is greater than obesity in the most important physical measurements and physical patterns, and this instructs that the sample individuals are homogenous. As for chapter five, it concluded that all the sample individuals are making natural-oriented measurements (height, weight and Age, and symptoms), and averages of slim muscular pattern is bigger than the muscular chubby component. Finally, the players with thin muscle patterns were directed to practice the appropriate exercise badminton as well as the need to divide the appropriate physical patterns of each match in badminton.(Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 106-112 T1 - القياسات والأنماط الجسمية للاعبي الريشة الطائرة لمنتخب الجامعة المستنصرية [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1