AU - أبو العنين، حنان عثمان محمد. AU - عبد النبي، فادية رزق عبد الجليل AB - The current study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a counseling program using some NLP techniques in the development of motivation for achievement in students with learning disabilities after the program was implemented in telemetry and after a period of application in sequential measurement. To study the effect of motivation development on the achievement of the program in improving the level of ambition in the study sample after application of the program and the effect of this after a period of application in the sequential measurement, the study used the quasi-experimental method. The sample consisted of 40 students with learning disabilities The study used a motivation measure for achievement (Prepared by the researchers), the level of ambition scale (prepared by Jowida Bahamed), and the counseling program based on NLP(Prepared by the researchers).The study recommended Adoption of a counseling program used in this study, as one option for the development of motivation to accomplish and improve the level of ambition for the study sample in two measurements posttest and iterative. (Published abstract) ID - 128079 OP - ص ص. 12-31 T1 - تنمية الدافعية للإنجاز كمدخل لتحسين مستوى الطموح باستخدام بعض فنيات البرمجة اللغوية العصبية لدي التلميذات ذوات صعوبات التعلم بمنطقة نجران [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)