AU - عليان، أيمن يوسف. AU - عابد، أسامة AB - The study aims to measure the effect of using the flipped classroom strategy in teaching Arabic language on the achievement of university students in Qatar State and their attitudes towards it. To achieve such an objective, students were tested on the “Five Verbs” in “Arabic Language. The study measured students’ attitudes towards the strategy. Data were collected among 44 female students from Community College of Qatar during the spring Semester 2015/2016. Students were divided into a controlling and an experimental groups. Both groups were given a test to investigate some syntactic concepts, followed by a questionnaire to measure their attitudes towards the strategy under investigation. The findings showed that there were statistical significant differences between the students in the two groups in favor of those of the experimental group. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the flipped classroom strategy should be deployed in teaching Arabic at university level.(Published Abstract) ID - 126816 OP - ص ص. 69-84 T1 - أثر استخدام استراتيجية الصف المعكوس في تدريس اللغة العربية على التحصيل لدى الطلبة الجامعيين في دولة قطر واتجاهاتهم نحوها [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)