AU - الوذيناني، محمد بن معيض جويعد.
AB - The study aimed to determine the availability level of organizational health dimensions in public schools in Makah City from the viewpoint of school principals and teachers. The study adopted a descriptive analytical method based on identification of the seventh organizational health dimensions. Aquestionnaire was applied to a sample of )511( principals and teachers. The results found that the level of organizational health in public schools in Makah City was medium on: )institutional cohesion, consideration, influence the principal, supporting resources, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects(, and high on )work initiative(. The data analysis showed significant differences according to "job title" on of all principals in the health dimensions. The results also showed significant differences in favor of primary school on availability of the institutional cohesion, consideration, influences of the principal, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects, in favor of the intermediate stage and consideration. No significant differences according to years of experience were registered, however, significant differences according to scientific qualification with respect to institutional cohesion, work initiative, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects in favor of of obtaining a higher qualification of the university while there were no significant differences according to scientific qualification, consideration, and influence of the the principal. The study results also showed significant differences in favor of rental schools status on the dimensions of the institutional cohesion, consideration, influence of the principal, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects, while no significant differences with respect to schools status on work initiative, supporting resources were evident.(Published Abstract)
ID - 126717
OP - ص ص. 507-540
T1 - مدى توافر ابعاد الصحة التنظيمية في مدارس التعليم العام بمكة المكرمة من وجهة نظر المديرين والمعلمين [مقال]
UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)