AU - أبو شريخ، شاهر ذيب. AB - The study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of using the models of Daniel and Driver and Soome’s Strategy in the development of reflective thinking skills among first secondary students and in their post and delayed performance and attitudes towards learning Islamic education in Jordan. The study included a sample of 6 classes, including 3 male classes consisting of 98 students and another 3 female classes consisting of 102 students in the academic year 2013-2014. The study used as research tools an achievement test and measurements of reflective thinking and trends, and the research design was both descriptive and semi-experimental. The study used the arithmetic mean, standard deviations, analysis of the two-dimensional variance, and the Schiffe test for the post-comparisons. Results of the study showed statistically significant differences in the development of reflective thinking skills in favor of students who studied using Driver’s model (23.36), and for students who studied using Daniel’s model on the two post-secondary tests (33.93), and the delayed test (26.12), and for the students who studied using Somme’s strategy (15.74). The study showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the average between male and female performance.(Published Abstract) ID - 126654 T1 - تأثير استخدام انموذج دانيال ودرايفر واستراتيجية سوم في تنمية مهارات التفكير التأملي لدى طلبة الصف الاول الثانوي وتحصيلهم البعدي والمؤجل واتجاهاتهم نحو تعلم مبحث التربية الاسلامية بالأردن [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)