AU - محمود، جمال الدين إبراهيم.
AB - The strategy of imaginative trips is one of the teaching strategies that contribute to the development of concepts and analytical thinking, and the development of the direction towards the material among learners. The problem of the study: what is the effectiveness of using the strategy of virtual trips in the teaching of social studies of the intermediate stage on the development of concepts and analytical thinking and the tendency towards material in students? This question arises from the following sub-questions: 1) what are the characteristics of the strategy of virtual trips in the teaching of social studies? 2) What is the effectiveness of using the strategy of virtual trips in the teaching of social studies of the intermediate stage on the development of concepts for students? 3) What is the effectiveness of using the strategy of virtual trips in the teaching of social studies of the intermediate stage on the development of analytical thinking among students? 4) What is the effectiveness of using the strategy of virtual trips in the teaching of social studies of the intermediate stage on the development of the trend towards the material in the pupils? Results: 1) proved the strategy of virtual trips in the teaching of the unit has proved successful in the development of concepts for students. 2) Proved the strategy of virtual flights proved successful in the development of analytical thinking of students. 3) Proved the strategy of virtual trips proved successful in developing the trend towards the material for students. (Published Abstract)
ID - 125709
OP - ص ص. 1-41
T1 - فاعلية استخدام الرحلات التخيلية في تدريس الدراسات الاجتماعية للمرحلة المتوسطة على تنمية المفاهيم والتفكير التحليلي والإتجاه نحو المادة لدى التلاميذ [مقال]
UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)