AU - رجب، أماني علي السيد. AU - الهجرسي، أمل معوض AB - The present study is an evaluation study of the requirements of human development which should be met in the in social studies current courses of Preparatory Vocational Schools. To achieve this goal the current courses of social studies in the three grades of Preparatory Vocational Schools have been analyzed and evaluated for the academic year 2013/2014 (the first term and the second term) in the light of the list of human development requirements that are set up as an answer to the first question in the current study; where a list including nine basic requirements of the requirements of human development has been agreed upon. Each requirement included a set of indicators or components or sub-requirements, the total number reached (109) elements or requirements as indicated in Appendix (1). The current study used a content analysis tool to answer the second question and followed the descriptive and analytical approach when conducting the analysis of the required courses to determine the availability of human development requirements in this curriculum. It has been reached that the contents of the courses of the first three grades are varied since the content of the three courses achieved many of the human development requirements. The percentage ranged from (22.7% to 62.1%) with an average (42.4%). The value of Ka2 Calculated function was enough to reject the null hypothesis. This leads to the conclusion that there is a lack of similarity between the analysis of the observed and expected frequencies. It is recommended by the current study that the development of the social studies curriculum of the preparatory vocational schools courses should be done in the light of the pupils' educational needs and according to the different environments, with a focus on professional needs, which qualifies them for positive participation in society, instead of relying on the general education curriculum, in which the pupils already failed and were directed to vocational schools. (Published Abstract) ID - 125657 OP - ص ص. 171-270 T1 - متطلبات التنمية البشرية في مقررات الدراسات الاجتماعية بالمرحلة الاعدادية المهنية : دراسة تقويمية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)