AU - بن خليوي، أسماء بنت فراج. AB - The current research aimed at investigating the level of Facial Basic emotions Recognition in the early childhood due to Gender. Facial Basic emotions Recognition Test designed by theResearcher was applied on a sample of (62) playing schoolchildren (31 male and 31 female). Cronbach's Alpha Reliability was 0.842. To test validity of the scale the auther used internal consistency and terminal comparison which indicated accepted level of validation. Data was analyesed using SPSS by calculating descriptives; Mann-Whitney, correlation coefficient, and T test between twoheterogeneous groups. The results indicated that for boys the level of Facial disgust and happiness emotions Recognition was high; while the other emotions level as well as to the overall degree was medium. For girls the level of Facial disgust, happiness, anger, sadness and overall degree emotions Recognition was very high. Surprising was high, fear and non-emotion was medium. No correlation was found between fear recognition and all emotions except sadness and disgut at significance level of (0.01) among boys. For girls disgust emotion recognition correlated with all other facial emotions at (0.01) except non-emotion. Anger emotion recognition correlated with all other facial emotions at (0.01) except non-emotion. Results also found statistically significant differences between boys and girls on: fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, happiness, as well as the total score of the scale at the (0.01) in favor of girls. There were no observed statistically significant differences between boys and girls on fear. Results were discussed and some recommendations were presented. (Published Abstract) ID - 125634 OP - ص ص. 171-227 T1 - إدراك الانفعالات الاساسية للوجه في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)