AU - رضوان، سامي عبد السميع. AB - Recent decades have witnessed dramatic changes its owner a lot of important transformations as explained clearly possess the skill of the children to deal with these techniques than the speed of use and the ability to write and search for information regardless of their worth and their objectivity. There is also a competition between paper book on the one hand and mail the one hand, and between them and social networking technologies. All of the above imposed on educational institutions prepare students to meet the new developments especially social networking and interactive technologies research in how to invest in these technologies to support free reading step to gain access to the knowledge society. otaatl_khas Study the problem in visualizing a proposal to invest in social media in the dissemination of free reading and employ them in public education, the study focuses on trying to cope with crowding out social media and occupancy of the individual for the free reading so that they are the means to read and not a concern for them. The study also focuses on public education, which is to lay the foundation in raising Alobina.oukd study used a descriptive and analytical approach. A questionnaire has been designed especially to gauge the opinions of students and teachers about technology investment mechanisms to support the free reading. Among the most important findings of the study: that the Saudi complex is witnessing widespread in use (the Internet), in support of the current study. As you can see the sample must be built all the decisions taken on dialogue and debate. It is also to ensure that the material sent to scientific, it must be self-censorship of the members are to be Alooly.omn the most important recommendations of the study: to take the schools priority experimentation, and education of their children that there is a common misconception, but experimentation and repetition, it prevents the student from the use of technology without justification legitimate his authority. (Published Abstract) ID - 125633 OP - ص ص. 119-170 T1 - إستثمار تقنيات التواصل الاجتماعي في نشر القراءة الحرة في التعليم العام كمدخل لمجتمع المعرفة [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)