AU - الزنفلي، أحمد محمود.
AB - In the last decade of the twentieth century, the term "needs-based planning" appeared. Hence, needs assessment became as a starting point and a basis for planning. In order to apply needs assessment in the Egyptian educational reality, it must identify how to conduct it. Hence, it has been done through: the definition of need, identifying needs types and levels, the definition of the needs assessment, clarifying its goals and importance, and identifying needs assessment levels. Then, clarifying how to conduct needs assessment as a basis for educational planning, through: determining needs assessment approaches, identifying responsibility for conducting needs assessment, and indicating the most important needs assessment models and tools.(Published Abstract)
ID - 125541
OP - ص ص. 245-320
T1 - تقدير الحاجات كأساس للتخطيط التربوي : المفهوم والاهمية والاجراءات [مقال]
UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)