AU - الرويس، عبد العزيز محمد.
AU - الشهري، أمل عبد الله
AB - This research aimed to know the level of the proficiency of the first female secondary school students in the area of mathematical inquiry (induction, hypothesis, data interpretation and experimentation). The research has implemented the descriptive methodology on a random sample consisting of 411 female students in the first year secondary school in Riyadh. The research instrument was a measuring the mathematical inquiry operations test (consisting of 24 items), the test has been designed and prepared by the researchers based upon the educational literature review relevant to Inquiry. The test has been implemented during the second school semester of the academic year 1434- 1435H.The results have been analyzed by using a number of suitable statistical processing tools which are : Arithmetic means, percentage and standard deviation for measuring the level of the mastery of mathematical inquiry operations by the female students. The results of the research were general weakness in the level of the female student’s mastery of mathematical inquiry operations (induction, hypothesis, data interpretation and experimentation). whereas the level of the female students mastery of operations as a whole was ( 43.48 %)which is a poor level , the hypothesis operation has gained the highest performance of female students (49.17%) followed by interpretation of data process with percentage of ( 36.67%) then experimentation ( 34%) and lastly the induction process with percentage of ( 32.17%) however there was a poor level of the mastery of mathematical inquiry among the female students .The research concluded with some recommendations and proposals the most important of these were as follows : To conduct intensive and extensive training programs to familiarize the female teachers and supervisors with the concept of inquiry , its processes , techniques of implementation of inquiry in mathematics teaching , the research has also proposed conducting further studies on the topic of Mathematical Inquiry. (Published Abstract)
ID - 125458
OP - ص ص. 343-383
T1 - مستوى تمكن طالبات الصف الأول الثانوي بمدينة الرياض من عمليات الاستقصاء الرياضي [مقال]
UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)