AU - السيد، محمد حمدي أحمد. AB - The present research targeted build Educational environment based on some mobile social applications and to measure its effectiveness in the development of social skills and the trend toward a learning environment with hearing impaired students at faculty of specific education, Ain Shams University sample of research was intentionally selected from hearing impaired students at of specific education, Ain Shams University in the secant semester during a cadmic (2015/2016). The sample of a research was consisting of (30) students undergone for two measurements, one of them before applying the learning environment and a secand one was after application, the two measurements were done by using a Note Card of social skills and a scale of trends towards the learning environment and that after confirmation of validity and reliability of the two scales. The research sample students were distributed in two groups, an experimental group and a control group and each of them included fifteen students. The experimental group undergone for a learning environment which based on some mobile social applications such as: the application of mobile messaging, Whatsapp), the application of the mini codification(Twitter), the application of the social networking (Facebook), the application of the participatory video (Youtube), and the application of codes. Blogs), the application of the participatory image (Instgrame).all these application have been used in learning system and manged and used according to data of a learning situation and connected its products with an instant mobile system and learning environment is composed of (7) mobile learning situations, and its implementation across (6) social applications through (9) learning strategies and (10) learning activities, af tercom completing of the learning environment the post application conducted on a list of social skills. Results were analy zed by using the arithmetic means, SDS standard deviations, t-test, and the affect size. The results showed there are statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the performance of on experimental group students on note card of social skills, and a scale of trends toward the learning environment in favor for an experimental group and that is confirmed of effectiveness of the learning environment which based on mobile social application in the development of social skills and trends towards the learning environment. (Published Abstract) ID - 125377 OP - ص ص. 11-92 T1 - بناء بيئة تعليمية قائمة على بعض تطبيقات الاجتماعية النقالة وقياس فاعليتها في تنمية المهارات الاجتماعية والاتجاه نحو بيئة التعلم لدى طلاب المعاقين سمعيا بكلية التربية النوعية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)