AU - المعموري، عصام عبد العزيز محمد عباس AB - This research aims at identifying effect of Anthony model for guided reading on achievement &scientific curiosity of third intermediate class students in physics subject. The researcher has put the following null hypothesis to achieve research objectives: there is not any significant statistical differences at level of 0.05 in achievement of students taught by using Anthony model &those who were taught without using this model .there is not any significant statistical differences at level of 0.05 in scientific curiosity of students taught by using Anthony model &those who were taught without using this model .limitations of this research were students of third intermediate class in Tariq bin Ziyad intermediate class in Diyala general directorate of education in Iraq –the 2nd term of academic year 2014- 2015 for the last four chapters of physics book. Research sample was (57) male students .25 of them represents experimental group &32 of them represents control group. Equivalence was made for the two groups in chronic age in months ,previous achievement in physics in first term of academic year, ,previous achievement in physics in last year , & intelligence variable .research tools were 2 tests of achievement & scientific curiosity. Results of research were as follows: to achieve research objectives: there are significant statistical differences between the 2 groups in achievement for the sake of experimental group .there are significant statistical differences between the 2groups in scientific curiosity for the sake of experimental group. Researcher put forward some recommendations &suggestions to complete his research. (Published Abstract) ID - 125321 OP - ص ص. 337-356 T1 - أثر استخدام أنموذج أنتوني للقراءة الموجهة في تحصيل مادة الفيزياء وحب الاستطلاع العلمي لدى طلاب الصف الثالث المتوسط [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)