AU - الجمل، رباب السيد الحسيني. AB - The research aimed to measure the efficacy of a proposed summer program about family education, based on the principles of democracy and human rights to develop the democratic activities and increase human rights awareness of primary stage students. To achieve that, a set of democratic principles and human rights suited to the students have been selected and used to construct the program. It was then applied on a sample of primary stage students who have joined the summer activities program in the province of Monofya. The results after statistical treatment have pointed at the effectiveness of the proposed program in the development of the democratic activities of primary stage student as well as an increase in their awareness of human rights. (Published Abstract) ID - 125310 OP - ص ص. 91-130 T1 - برنامج صيفي مقترح في التربية الأسرية قائم على مبادئ الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان لتنمية القدرة على التصرف الديمقراطي والوعي الحقوقي لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)