AU - عربيات، صابرين هاشم سليمان.
AU - الزبون، سليم عودة
AB - The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral counseling program to improve the level of vocational satisfaction and reduce social shyness among a sample of midwifery and allied professions students in Jordan. The study sample consisted of (30) students within midwifery and allied professions, were distributed randomly in two groups, an experimental group consisted of (15) female, and a control group consisted of (15) female, and to achieve the objectives of the study a vocational satisfaction scale and social shyness scale have been developed. The results showed a statistically significant differences between the averages of control and experimental groups at posttest performance on the vocational satisfaction scale in favor of the experimental group at the level of trust (α=0.05), and statistically significant differences between the averages of control and experimental group at posttest performance on social shyness scale in favor of the experimental group at the level of trust (α=0.05), and the results should no statistically significant differences on the vocational satisfaction scale attributed to each of the academic level and specialization, and no statistically significant differences on social shyness scale attributed to each of the academic level and specialization.(Published Abstract)
ID - 123362
OP - ص ص. 339-360
T1 - فاعلية برنامج إرشادي جمعي معرفي سلوكي في تحسين مستوى الرضا المهني وخفض الخجل الاجتماعي لدى عينة من طالبات القبالة القانونية والمهن الطبية المساندة في الأردن [مقال]
UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)