AU - أبو سيف، حسام أحمد محمد إسماعيل. AU - عبد الجواد، عاطف سيد AB - The present study aims at knowing the effect of parental psychological deprivation on son’s practices for parent’s impiousness behavior on a sample of Saudi adolescents. The study sample consisted of (67) adolescents ranging between (13:17) years old from regular students in government schools at intermediate and secondary stages and (24) of school drop outs. Analytical descriptive method was used for its appropriateness of the study nature. Both the researchers used a scale of psychological deprivation and a scale of parent's impiousness (prepared by the researchers) as two tools for the study. The study concluded the following results: there is a statistically significant correlation between parental psychological deprivation and practices of parental impiousness for a sample of Saudi adolescents. The study also found that practices of parent's impiousness can be predicted from parental psychological deprivation. Finally, the study revealed that there are statistically significant differences in psychological deprivation and practices of parent’s impiousness between Saudi adolescents who are regular at school and school dropouts in the direction of school dropouts. (Published Abstract) ID - 122971 OP - ص ص. 34-50 T1 - الحرمان النفسي الوالدي وأثره على ممارسات الأبناء لسلوك عقوق الوالدين : دراسة على عينة من المراهقين السعوديين [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)