AU - بدوي، محمود السعيد. AU - الأحول، أحمد سعيد محمود AB - The purpose of the current study detected effect based on the positions of social communication in the linguistic development of production and self-concept in a sample of primary school students an educational program, which amounted to 22 students from the fifth grade of primary school who the students have learning disabilities, were distributed into two groups: one controller, and other experimental, and ranged timeframe of the sample (10: 11.5 years), mean (10 years and seven months). The results showed a clear effect of the program in the linguistic development of production in the positions of social communication, and the concept of the self, for the experimental group, as the continuity of the program's effect appeared. (Published Abstract) ID - 122266 OP - ص ص. 339-367 T1 - أثر برنامج تعليمي قائم على مواقف التواصل الاجتماعي في الإنتاج اللغوي ومفهوم الذات لدى ذوي صعوبات التعلم [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)