AU - التميمي، حيدر شمسي حسن. AB - The study aimed to identify the levels of geometric thinking among the students of the Department of Mathematics in the College of Education-Ibn AL Haitham at the University of Baghdad , and to achieve the aims of the study was the adoption of a measure of Alharby (2003) prepared the Saudi environment and consists of) 25( items distributed on five levels (level Visualization , Analysis , Informal Deduction, formal Deduction, Rigor Deduction ) and reached the study sample ( 206 ) male and female students from the Department of Mathematics in the College of Education–Ibn AL Haitham at Baghdad University, was selected in the manner stratified random , was to verified the veracity of the tool by honesty virtual submitting it to the experts and certified construction and stability in a way Alpha Cronbach , and use the researcher to analyze the results of a number of statistical means of which , the test samples t for two independent samples , Pearson correlation coefficient , the study found the results of the most important : Override students sample the first level (Visualization ) by(% 84.5 ) did not exceed the students' levels of the other four , and there are no differences statistically significant levels of geometric thinking attributed to sex , there are no statistically significant differences in the levels of geometric thinking among students and students of the first phase the fourth phase, the study has come out with a number of recommendations and suggestions. (Published Abstract) ID - 120927 OP - ص ص. 341-368 T1 - مستويات التفكير الهندسي لدى طلبة قسم الرياضيات في كلية التربية - ابن الهيثم جامعة بغداد [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)