AU - حسن، وفاء شكر. AB - Current search targeted definition of the distinctive characteristics of students and pupils fee elementary fifth grades, as well as the comparison between them in those characteristics. This study was applied to a sample of students in grades five elementary and both sexes reached a population of 200 male and female pupils at ( 100 ) students and (100) - old schoolgirl ( 11) years old pulled randomly from four primary schools in the center of the city of Baquba . This study used a single search tool, a tool analysis of children 's drawings have been prepared by Ayad Ali Salhi breezes within the requirements of the master 's thesis ( the impact of the type of colors in artistic expression to fifth grade students ) Researcher concluded the following: 1) The fee graders fifth elementary age (11 years) is characterized by twenty characteristic is painted plants, draws straight lines, draw people, does not use Engineering Tools, paints shapes, paints the details of a few uses pure colors, the number of land line one direction shapes Front, paints according to visual truth, distributed on both sides of the picture formats, uses more than (6) colors, uses a yellow color, uses Algahoaúa color, space balanced shapes, forms related to the subject, using blue, draw horizontal lines, uses repetition in Figure, the movement of the rigid shapes . 2) Characterized fee fifth grade pupils aged ( 11) years with the same characteristics that characterized the fee fifth grade students and age ( 11 years) but they differed them in the standings ( Table 2 ) . 3) There are differences with significance level (0.05) between the characteristics of the fees students and pupils fifth grade primary and age (11 years) in (5) distinctive characteristics only, namely: does not use tools engineering, draws straight lines, draw shapes, paints the details of a few uses pure colors. (Published Abstract) ID - 120805 OP - ص ص. 261-281 T1 - الخصائص المميزة لرسوم تلامذة الصف الخامس الابتدائي : دراسة مقارنة [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)