AU - الحرداني، محمد رحيم كريم. AB - Aims Current search to know the level of performance expressive writing creative year with fifth grade students secondary science and literary branches and both sexes Boys and girls in Maysan province, and also aims to know the significance of the difference statistically between the level of performance expressive writing creative year among the students of the fifth grade intermediate in Maysan province. according to the variables of specialization and sex, And is determined by current research students of the fifth grade secondary science and literary branches and both sexes Boys and girls in secondary school affiliated to the Directorate General for Education in Maysan province /study day (center), and the semester first the academic year 3105-3105, and the three themes of topics written expression creative. The researcher followed the research methodology descriptive and analytical, and consisted of a society of this research from the Secondary school affiliated to the Directorate General for Education in Maysan province, for the academic year (3105- 3105), of which there were 05 secondary schools, the rate of (9) secondary school for boys, and (8) secondary school for girls, and fifth grade students secondary branches of scientific and Literary- study Morning- totaling (5535) students, the rate of (5005) students, and (5355) Student, are divided on the branch of scientific and literary reality (5385) students in the scientific section, and (5155) students in the literary section. The number of sample applied from secondary school for this search (5) Secondary school, by (3) Secondary school for boys, and (3) Secondary school for girls, and the number of respondents applied for fifth grade students secondary science and literary branches (311) students, by (011 students), and (011) students, are divided on the branch of scientific and literary reality (011) students in the scientific section, and (011) students in the literary the current results indicate low level of performance expressive writing creative with the fifth grade students secondary. Science and literary branches and both sexes Boys and girls, and the superiority of the students the scientific section statistically. the students of literary section, as well as the superiority of the students on the students' average year for test scores written expression of creative three. (Published Abstract) ID - 120637 OP - ص ص. 255-290 T1 - تقويم مستوى الأداء التعبيري الكتابي الإبداعي لدى طلبة الصف الخامس الإعدادي [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)