AU - العزاوي، نسيمة عباس صالح. AB - The problem of the research has limited through the status quo of the state, and its tragic situations, and as a result, one feels with many passions which make "Tension of Death"; so the researcher limits the problem which is that there is a difference in sending out skill, so the problem here is: "Is the Tension of Death, which the female students fell with, is a result to the tragic situations and is the cause of the differences in the skill or there are other causes? The goal of the paper is to measure the death tension and to know the relationship between tension of death and the performance of sending out skill, so the researcher uses the descriptive method. (Published Abstract) ID - 119911 OP - ص ص. 482-494 T1 - دراسة لبيان قلق الموت وعلاقته بأداء مهارة الإرسال بكرة الطائرة لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الإعدادي [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)