AU - عبد الستار، مهند محمد. AU - خلف، أحمد حميد AB - The researcher has adopted (Al-Qurashi, 2002) daydreams scale and exposed it to a number of experts in Educational and Psychological Sciences in order to obtain Face Validity for the instrument. The researcher implemented the instrument on a number of college students, which is composed of (60 students). This sample was chosen randomly from University of Diyala/ College of Basic Education/ Department of Psychological Guidance. The researcher used the following statistical means (Arithmetic Means, Postulated Means, Standard Deviation, T-Test for individual sample, and Parson's Coefficient)The following results have been concluded: University students have the ability of positive daydreams, and the don not have negative daydreams or it is very weak. (Published Abstract) ID - 119892 OP - ص ص. 19-38 T1 - أحلام اليقضة لدى طلبة الجامعة [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)