AU - خليفة، عادل عطا الله.
AB - The problem of the current research Is determined by the (known as the effectiveness of an educational unit for the development performance skills in drawing students to the foreseeable middle school). The goal of research is to prepare the educational unit to develop a perspective drawing medium schools in the city of Baquba center Diyala provinee and to know the effect module on the level of development of intermediate school students in drawing perspective. The situations of the researcher are to purpose zero hypothesis, are: (There is no statistical difference at a level of significance (0.05) between the average marks acquisition skills for students of the experimental group according to their performance on the skills test components Before- after, in drawing perspective) f determines Choose students from intermediate stage schools to spend the city of Baquba center (Diyala province) - Benin, for the academic year (2014-2015). And limits of the substantive material of perspective within the vocabulary prepared by the Curriculum Committee in the Iraqi Ministry of Education. In research procedures, the study applied to the sample after doing several stages, including stage preparation and design tools research and Procedures validity and reliability of the search tool (prepared by the researcher), and for the preparation of form to evaluate the performance skills to draw perspective and consisting of 10 paragraphs of the two samples, one reconnaissance report (20) students from the second stage students average among boys' schools in the district center of Baquba - Diyala province, and the other pilot of (60) students from the same school research samples, and after the application of statistical methods, search out a set of findings, conclusions and recommendations. The most important instruction unit prepared by researcher highly effective in improving the performance skills of the students perspective drawing the intermediate stage. (Published Abstract)
ID - 117785
OP - ص ص. 394-415
T1 - فاعلية وحدة تعليمية لتنمية الأداء المهاري في رسم المنظور لدى طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة [مقال]
UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)