AU - عياش، حسيب عمر. AU - سلامة، كمال عبد الحافظ محمود AB - The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a counseling behavioral cognitive program on enhancing affiliation of the tenth grade students in Salfeet governorate. This study was conducted in Salfeet governorate, during the second semester of the academic year 2014- 2015. The design of the study is quasi- experimental in nature, with two measurement applications; one is before and the other is after. The population of the study consisted of all the tenth graders at Salfeet governorate schools, totaling 738 students. The sample of the study was purposeful. It consisted of 42 students from Kafr Al-Deek Secondary Boys’ School who were divided into two sections. The first section consisted of 21 students and was selected to be the controlled group whom the counseling program wasn’t conducted on. Whereas the other section which also consisted of 21 students was selected to be the experimental group whom the counseling program was conducted on. To achieve the objectives of the study the researcher used an affiliation questionnaire in addition to a counseling behavioral cognitive program. The validity and reliability of the used tools were assured by using the appropriate methods, and after collecting data, the necessary statistical analysis was carried out. The findings of the study showed statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of a counseling behavioral cognitive program on enhancing affiliation of the tenth grade students in Salfeet governorate attributed to the counseling program in affiliation dimensions and the total degree to affiliation and in favor of dimensional measurement. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of a counseling behavioral cognitive program in enhancing affiliation of the tenth grade students in Salfit governorate attributed to the interaction between counseling Program and the level of achievement variables. Based on the previous results, it is recommended to use the counseling program used in the current study to promote affiliation among the Palestinian students. (Published Abstract) ID - 116924 OP - ص ص. 216-228 T1 - فاعلية برنامج إرشادي معرفي- سلوكي في تعزيز الإنتماء لدى طلبة الصف العاشر في محافظة سلفيت - فلسطين [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)