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A1 الحسبان، صالح أحمد A2 عدينات، محمد خليل A2 الزعبي، بشير خليفة A2 الطراونة، سعيد محمود A2 الطيب، سعود موسى AB The main aim of this study is to investigate, explore and explain the high and chronical unemployment rates during the past decades(1982-2016) in Jordan by using annual data and adapting descriptive statistics and different econometric methodologies, with the aids of tables , graphs, some econometric tests such as unit root tests, co-integration tests and regression tests, in order to analyze the variables under study to show the characteristics of Jordanian labor force, determine the causes of the high and chronical unemployment rates, estimate and predict the natural rate of unemployment, examine the validity of Okun’s law, and finally predict the effects of the main determinants of unemployment in Jordan. The findings of this study show that high and chronical unemployment rates during the past decades in Jordan are due to many reasons: first, the disequilibrium between supply and demand of the labor force in the labor market as a result of high and increasing population growth of the supply labor force compared with low and stable economic growth. Second, the non-subjectivity of government economic policies in dealing with substituting foreign labor with local labor, and difficulty in matching qualification with the market needs. Third, the lack of updated information data base containing full details of jobs available, also lack of full information about the characteristics of unemployment labor. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that the higher education system should be reformed so that the graduates have the skills consistent with the demands and requirement of labor market, also the working condition should be improved in order to encourage Jordanian labor to compete foreign labor in sectors such as agriculture, construction, and service. Finally, the public and private sectors must pay efforts to build a good data base system about unemployed labors and jobs available. This study will serve as a reference material for future researchers in adapting natural rate of unemployment methodology in each economic sector in order to determine the sources and reasons of high and chronical unemployment rates. Also, this study will serve as a reference to a comprehensive evaluation of the national strategy of employment 2011-2022. (Author's abstract) OP أ-ن، 135 ص. T1 دراسة تحليلية لمعدلات البطالة المرتفعة والمزمنة في الأردن [رسالة / أطروحة] UL الصفحات الاولى من الدراسة (PDF) 5