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A1 al-Qassas, Hussein Muhammad Muhammad Hassan A2 Zaher, Aida Abd El Maksoud A2 Khater, Amira Al Amir AB The present study aimed at investigating the effect of a suggested program based on Collaborative Learning in a Blended Learning environment in developing preparatory stage students' overall speaking skills and sub-skills (pronunciation, Grammatical Competence (Vocabulary & Grammar) Discourse Competence, Fluency and Non-verbal skills). The study adopts the one -experimental group design. Consequently, a group of 41 first year preparatory students were randomly selected and received the program. The study applied a checklist of the speaking skills appropriate for first year preparatory students; a pre/post - speaking test that are suitable for the first-year preparatory students and speaking rubric, validated and approved by a panel of jury (EFL specialists), to achieve the study aim. The suggested program was taught over nearly three months, for eighteen sessions of two hours each, nine sessions were delivered on face to face mode and the other nine sessions were delivered on on-line mode. Results provided support for the hypotheses of the study and showed that the post-test mean scores of the experimental group revealed huge effect size of the suggested program on developing students' overall speaking skill and sub-skills. Besides, analyzing the attitudes scale revealed huge effect of the program on promoting speaking attitudes. Moreover, the qualitative analysis showed students' strong positive attitudes towards the program. It was concluded that the program based on the Collaborative Learning in a Blended Learning environment proved to be effective in improving First year preparatory stage students ' speaking skills and on promoting a strong positive attitude towards it. (Published abstract) AB تهدف هذة الدراسه الی قیاس تاثیر برنامج مقترح قائم علی التعلم التشاركی ومن خلال بیئة التعلم المدمج لتنمیة مهارات التحدث الشاملة والمهارات الفرعیة (النطق، القدرة النحویة، مفردات وقواعد نحویة)، القدرة اللفظیة، الطلاقه والمهارات غیر اللفظیة لتلامیذ المرحلة الاعدادیة. تتبنی الدراسة طریقة المجموعة التجربیة الواحدة ومن ثم تم اختیار عینة عشوائیة مكونة من 41 طالب من طلاب الصف الاول الاعدادي من احدی مدارس القاهرة، مدینة نصر وهي تحدیدا: مدرسة الواحة التجریبیة الممیزة للغات. ولتحقیق أهداف الدراسة، استخدم الباحث قائمة لتحدید مهارات ومجالات التحدث المطلوبة، واختبارات التحدث القبلیة والبعدیة، واستبانة معاییر لمهارات التحدث، وتم تدریس البرنامج المقترح علی العینة بعد تحكیم الادوات علی مجموعة من المحكمین المتخصصین في المناهج و طرق تدریس اللغة الانجلیزیة لاختبارصدقها. واستغرق تطبیق البرنامج المقترح ما یقرب من الثلاثة أشهر، ثمانیة عشر جلسة، ساعتان لكل جلسة، تسع جلسات باستخدام الانترنت وتسع جلسات فی الفصل المدرسي التقلیدي. وقد أظهرت النتائج حجم الأثر الكبیر على تنمیة مهارة التحدث الشاملة والمهارات الفرعیة مما یؤكد علی فاعلیة البرنامج المقترح المستخدم لذلك. (الملخص المنشور) AB The present study aimed at investigating the effect of a suggested program based on Collaborative Learning in a Blended Learning environment in developing preparatory stage students' overall speaking skills and sub-skills (pronunciation, Grammatical Competence (Vocabulary and Grammar) Discourse Competence, Fluency and Non-verbal skills). The study adopts the one -experimental group design. Consequently, a group of 41 first year preparatory students were randomly selected and received the program. The study applied a checklist of the speaking skills appropriate for first year preparatory students; a pre/post - speaking test that are suitable for the first-year preparatory students and speaking rubric, validated and approved by a panel of jury (EFL specialists), to achieve the study aim. The suggested program was taught over nearly three months, for eighteen sessions of two hours each, nine sessions were delivered on face to face mode and the other nine sessions were delivered on on-line mode. Results provided support for the hypotheses of the study and showed that the post-test mean scores of the experimental group revealed huge effect size of the suggested program on developing students' overall speaking skill and sub-skills. Besides, analyzing the attitudes scale revealed huge effect of the program on promoting speaking attitudes. Moreover, the qualitative analysis showed students' strong positive attitudes towards the program. It was concluded that the program based on the Collaborative Learning in a Blended Learning environment proved to be effective in improving First year preparatory stage students' speaking skills and on promoting a strong positive attitude towards it. (Published abstract) OP pp. 316-346 T1 A suggested program for developing English speaking skills of preparatory pupils in the light of collaborative learning in a blended learning environment [Article] UL Full text (PDF) 1