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A1 Issa, Sarah A2 Annous, Samer AB English-medium instruction (EMI) has been a growing phenomenon in non-English speaking countries, where EMI programs are implemented with minimal-to-no exposure to the English language. It is the aim of this study to investigate EMI in rural Lebanon and identify the challenges faced, focusing on one private school in north Lebanon adopting EMI. Literature is presented, which discusses how globalization has influenced the rise of EMI, and how politics plays a role in language policy. Moreover, literature on private EMI schools, challenges of EMI and Lebanon’s language policies are also discussed. Through a qualitative research design, findings have shown that teachers, students and administration perceive EMI positively, and perceive English as a global language, leading in academic and scientific fields. Teachers, students and administration encounter challenges with EMI, which include students’ language proficiency, the teachers’ command of English as an instructional ability, the understanding of the content by students, the context and the lack of exposure and the lack of proficiency by parents. This study also provides recommendations on how to overcome challenges of EMI programs in Lebanon, which include further research into parents’ perceptions of EMI and the challenges they encounter will also provide a greater in-depth understanding of EMI. (Author's abstract) OP 88 p. T1 English medium instruction in North Lebanon : a case study of one private school [Thesis/Dissertation]