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A1 حسين، إخلاص علي. A2 الحمداني، محمد سهيل نجم عبد الله AB This study aimed to construct the hope scale in the students of the intermediate stage in Baquba district. The population of the study consisted of (8057) and the sample was (400) students. The instrument validity was verified by using two methods, which are the content validity ( judges' validity) and construct validity. Also the instrument reliability was proved through two methods that are the retest method and internal consistency by using Cronbach’s Alphas equation. The results showed acceptable significances of validity and reliability for this type of scales. The researchers recommended the following points: 1) The educational conductors should make use of the scale conducted by the two researchers in their present research for measuring the hope in the students of the intermediate stage. 2) The schools measurement should be assured to provide the programs and entertain activities that enforced the spirit of hope in students during the studying year in a general form. The recent research, the researchers suggested to carry out the following studies: 1) conducting more studies similar to the present study on certain samples (like: patients, divorced women). 2) Conducting a study similar to this on other studying stages such as secondary stage and making a comparison between it and the present study. (Published Abstract) ID 117761 OP ص ص. 80-98 T1 بناء مقياس الأمل لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة [مقال] UL 1 النص الكامل (PDF)