AU - Saleh, Al-Jufout
AU - Ziad, Abu-Hamatteh
AU - Al Qaisy, Lama M
AB - The current article presents an analytical study of female students' participation in the representative councils in various Jordanian Universities. The data-base applied in the present investigation has indicated a clear weak representation of female students in general. The possible reasons, behind this weakness, have been tracked using a questionnaire technique. The analysis of the data has been used to formulate some solutions, which will lead to female students' empowerment in the students' environment in particular and therefore, in the social life in general. This in return will enhance the sustainable development in Jordan in long run. (Eric: As Provided)
ID - 22768
OP - pp. 15-23
PB - Mobile Project Innovation, Inc. 2008
PP - Mobile Project Innovation, Inc. 2008
SN - 01463934
T1 - Empowerment of female students for participation in the representative councils in jordanian universities [Article]
YR - Mobile Project Innovation, Inc. 2008