AU - جفال، هارون AU - رحماني، سمير AU - مجاني، باديس AU - بخوش، نجيب AU - لونيس، باديس AU - سراي، سعاد AB - The importance of the study comes from the university institution’s need to use modern technology applications, which has become an urgent necessity in the performance of its work, especially the performance of the public relations function in order to increase its efficiency to reach its desired goal because of its role in facilitating communication and achieving dialogic and interactive communication, as it contributed Social media networks contain the concept of public relations in university institutions and move towards achieving more goals for the institution. Within the limits of this idea, the problem of our study is summarized; Via Describe the role played by social networks in activating public relations activities from the point of view of the employees of the University of Batna 01. Through our study, in the light of this problem, we wanted to search in important axes determined by researching the uses of social networks in the field of public relations at the University of Batna 01, and limiting its contribution to building the activities of public relations operations, in an effort to reveal On the importance of interactive communication between the university institution and its audience through social networks, and knowledge of the most important social networks used in the field of public relations in the Batna 01 Foundation, in addition to knowing the extent to which public relations in the university institution achieve its activities at the level of managing its reputation and mental image through social networks, approaching the subject through functional constructivist theory and dialogue theory and giving a reading of our topic in the light of the basic assumptions for them, which serve our research subject, and considering that the nature of our study is descriptive aimed at limiting information describing the reality studied, the researcher adopted the field survey approach and also used the main tool the questionnaire form In addition to observation and interview, the study aimed to limit information from all permanent employees of the University of Batna 1 according to a quota sample and an accidental intentional sample represented by 273 units. The questionnaire forms were unloaded and analyzed by the statistical program spss, as for the most important results that were monitored by the researcher, which reflect the manifestations of the role of social networks in achieving effectiveness at the level of the public relations function and its values in its activities. Relationships, which embody their functional role in the university institution, keeping pace with technological transformation, as well as showing the role of social networks at the operational level and within the limits of coordination between functions, where they enhance the communicative role by facilitating communication through all channels, and based on what has been reached, the researcher suggested several recommendations and suggestions Which is proceeding within the framework of what serves the new shift in understanding the roles of digital public relations By supporting the communicative public relations function and allocating a wide range of training and training courses for public relations staff. This contributes to defining the frameworks for action and enhancing the role of the rest of the networks, allowing them to be exploited to develop the institutional reality. (Author’s abstract) OP - 378 ص. T1 - دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في تفعيل أنشطة العلاقات العامة في المؤسسات الجامعية الجزائرية : دراسة ميدانية بجامعة باتنة 01 [رسالة / أطروحة] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1