AU - عبد العزيز، داليا سعد السيد AB - The research aims to improve the level of skill performance of the long jump competition and the 60-meter sprint for third year middle school students, through the design of a proposed educational program using some teaching strategies (constructivist method- cooperative method). The researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability to the nature of this research using the experimental design with two groups (experimental- control) following the tribal and remote measurement of the two groups. 2021 AD, their number is (178) female students, and the researcher has chosen the research sample in a deliberate way, and their number is (78) female students. From the research community, they were divided into two groups, one of them is an experimental group and the other is a control group, each consisting of (30) female students. The researcher withdrew (18) female students to conduct the exploratory study on them. Statistical treatments: arithmetic mean – standard deviation - median - skew oefficient - simple correlation coefficient - "t" test. The most important results: The proposed educational program using (teaching strategies) constructivist learning and cooperative learning positively affects the level of skill performance for the long jump competitions – 60 meters sprint among the experimental group members. The educational program using the method (explanation and model performance) has a positive effect on the level of skill performance for the long jump competitions – 60 meters sprint among the members of the control group. The proposed educational program using (teaching strategies) constructivist learning and cooperative learning has a better positive effect than the educational program using the method (explanation and model performance) in the level of skill performance for the long jump competitions, shot put, 60 meters sprint in question. Recommendations: The necessity of applying the proposed program using (teaching strategies) constructivist learning and cooperative education in learning the long jump - 60 meters sprint for the preparatory stage. Applying the proposed program using (teaching strategies) constructivist and cooperative learning in other skills and at different educational stages. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 84-114 T1 - فاعلية استخدام بعض استراتيجيات (التعلم البنائي والتعاوني) على بعض مهارات ألعاب القوى بدرس التربية الرياضية لتلميذات المرحلة الإعدادية [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF)‎ 1