AU - آل مداوي، عبير محفوظ محمد
AB - The study aims to know the assessment level of public education headmistress for institutional performance in light of European model standards (EFQM) for quality management according to the teachers and administrators’ perspective and to know the differences in the level averages of assessment according to the variables of qualification, experience years and running. It relied on the descriptive-analytical method. The sample consisted of (523) female teachers and administrative employees in public education schools in Abha for the year 2021/1442. The data were collected through a questionnaire containing (45) indicators distributed among (6) criteria of institutional performance: Leadership and management, institutional planning, human resources, material and financial resources, processes and procedures, and community services. The results showed that the criteria of:(the human resources and material and financial resources ) obtained intermediate grades from the samples' members perspective due to the shortage in showing them performance assessment results and following an unfair promotion system and deficiency of enough schools equipment in most schools. The (processes and procedures) criterion obtained high grades because of paying attention to addressing tasks duplication problems. The (community services ) criterion obtained low grades and requires paying attention to spreading the activities, the school’s achievements, and documenting community partnerships. There are no differences for the total axes of the European model (EFQM) for the quality management according to the qualification variable and rank . There are differences among sample individuals according to the variable of experience years in favor of (10) years of experience and more. The study recommended building mutual trust bridges among school staff; developing social media mechanisms and performance assessment systems followed in the school and letting them know their performance level periodically, and following providing budgets and the necessary resources for school development processes. (Published abstract)
OP - ص ص. 233-284
T1 - مستوى الأداء المؤسسي لقائدات مدارس التعليم العام بمدينة أبها في ضوء معايير الأنموذج الأوروبي (EFQM) لإداره الجودة من وجهة نظر المعلمات والإداريات [مقال]
UL - 2 محتوى العدد (PDF)