AU - عبد الوهاب، محمد محمود AB - The research aimed to investigate the effect of test item ordering method (random - according to cognitive difficulty - according to sequence of content) and test administration method (paper and pencil - electronically) on performance of (1180) students in second year students and general diploma in faculty of education in “psychology of learning” course. Achievement test consisted of (40) items were developed, and six test models different in test item order and test administration method were constructed. Psychometric characteristics of test models and suitability of items to three-parameter model assumptions were verified. In addition, students’ abilities in all test models were assessed. Results indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in performance due test item ordering method, or test application method, or the interaction between them. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 15-34 T1 - أثر طريقة ترتيب مفردات الإختبار وطريقة تطبيقه على تقدير قدرات طلاب كلية التربية وفق النموذج اللوغاريتمي ثلاثي البارامتر [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1