AU - الديحاني، سلطان غالب AB - This study was conducted to identify the school leadership evaluation of the competency-based curriculum that is implemented in the Kuwaiti elementary and middle schools. The descriptive analytical methodology was used; 739 educational leaders participated in the study including the principals, assistant principals, heads of departments, and teachers. All of the participants worked for public elementary and middle schools based throughout the educational districts in Kuwait. The researcher used the questionnaire as a means for data collection. The study results showed important findings, the most important of which are: participants’ opinions on the evaluation of the competency-based curriculum in elementary and middle schools Kuwaiti schools were all neutral for all the relevant aspects )basic competencies, general competencies, and special competencies( in addition to the overall degree of these aspects; the most significant challenges that face the implementation of the competency based curriculum were agreed upon by participants with “agree” and “strongly agree; there were statistical differences in favor of middle schools as well as statistical differences between the educational districts in favor of the capital, Hawiily , Ahmadi, and Jehra. There were statistical differences in the grade point averages (GPAS) pertaining to the difficulty of the implementation of the competency-based curriculum. These statistical differences were in favor of elementary schools. The results also showed differences in favor of females and occupational differences in favor of teachers in addition to differences between the educational districts in favor of Ferwaniya educational district. The findings of the study point to a strong of influence of the challenges faced on the implementation of all aspects of the competency-based curriculum. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 233-271 T1 - تقييم القيادات المدرسية للمنهج القائم على الكفايات في المدارس الإبتدائية والمتوسطة في دولة الكويت [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1