AU - كاظم، ساهرة رزاق AU - محمد، هدى عيدان AB - The educational process is no longer limited to education and scientific research only, but has evolved to become one of the most important goals of building the personality in all its aspects scientifically, mentally, psychologically and socially; because of this impact on the student's behavior and psychological and social consensus and psychological health, and the level of academic achievement, Valid. The university education is considered one of the most important educational stages in human life and it receives a great deal of attention and attention in most countries of the world because it plays an important role in the field of human, social and economic development. The research problem Students face at the beginning of their university life problems that impede their adaptation and limit the achievement of the university goals in building students scientifically and contribute to the growth of their personalities, in order to vary the study atmosphere and nature of the system and the nature of dealing and methods of assessment and ways of learning about school learning. Skills such as library use, quick reading, writing reports and research. Therefore, more studies are needed to determine the level of compatibility with university life. The aim of the research: to identify the compatibility of the university students in the fourth stage in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science for girls. The imposition of research: There were no statistically significant differences in university compatibility among. The researcher adopted the descriptive approach to reach the objectives of the research and verify its hypotheses and suitability to the nature and problem of research. The researcher chose the research community accurately and deliberately. The research community consists of students of the fourth stage of the Faculty of Physical Education and Mathematical Sciences for Girls University of Baghdad, The) students. The researcher discussed the important 05sample of the research was (tools, tools and methods used in the research. The steps included conducting the research (conducting the experiment, conducting the tests, collecting the data and processing them statistically). The results of the search resulted in the existence of a university consensus among the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science for girls in (after academic compatibility, after social consensus, after personal / emotional compatibility) and the results are not significant after the commitment to achieve the goal in the research sample. To interest university students as individuals with their psychological and social needs by understanding and understanding all their needs, which can affect them and their course of study Conduct a similar study dealing with other variables not covered in the current study and compare the results of the results of the current study. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 78-87 T1 - التوافق الجامعي لدى طالبات كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة للبنات في جامعة بغداد [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1