AU - سابط، مسلم محمد AU - عبد الحسين، وائل عباس AU - رحيمة، حسام عبد الكاظم AB - The purposes of this research are: 1) Setting exercises using supporting tools to learn the flat service skill in tennis. 2) Identifying the effect of these exercises to learn the students of the college of PE and sport sciences the flat service skill in tennis. Depending on the type of the research problem, the researchers used the experimental research methodology by selecting two groups randomly (control group and experimental group) and taking pretests and posttests (whereby all factors and circumstances are constant and similar before and after the experiment, except for the tested variable). The research population is represented by 81 junior students of the college of physical education and sport sciences (University of Kufa) and the research sample consists of 20 students which are selected randomly and are divided into two groups of 10 students each (the control group and the experimental group). Thus, the research sample represented 24.6% of the total research population. After testing the research participants, the researchers concluded the following: 1) Implementing these exercises by using supporting tools influenced the learning of the flat service skill in tennis effectively. 2) Using supporting tools during the performance is considered to have an effective influence on activating the role of exercises in training sessions. The researchers recommended the following: 1) Coaching exercises by using supporting tools should be implemented in order to enhance the serving skill. 2) There should be more similar researches done with other age classes and by testing other skills in order to design other means that contribute to the development of the learning process.(Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 191-204 T1 - أثر تمرينات بوسائل مساعدة في تعلم مهارة الإرسال المستقيم بالتنس [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1