AU - التويجري، فواز بن عبد الله. AB - The study aimed to identify the degree of ownership and practice of the principals of the schools of the Education Office in Al-Rawabi in Riyadh city for the types of strategic management from the point of view of the members of the study society. The study was based on the analytical descriptive approach. The study used the questionnaire tool, where the sample of the study consisted of 50 managers in the Office of Education in Rawabi in Riyadh. The results of the study showed that the principals of the schools in Al-Rawabi in Riyadh had moderate management styles. The general arithmetic mean for this aspect was 3.22. The most prominent of these patterns was the most encouraging of the school staff to benefit from the new educational opportunities available to them. Flexibly with the school staff in accordance with the principle of mutual respect. The results showed that they possessed the skills of strategic management to a medium extent. The general arithmetic average of this aspect was 3.23. The most prominent of these skills were determining the sources of financial resources supporting the implementation of the school plan and selecting the leadership skills to implement the school plan. Regarding the axis of strategic management obstacles, the results showed that there were moderate obstacles. The general arithmetic average of this aspect was 3.23. The main obstacles were the imbalance of educational activity within the school due to vacations, transportation, scarcity, absence and delay from morning work, The school community and the Ministry of Education. (Published Abstract) ID - 126817 OP - ص ص. 99-123 T1 - واقع تطبيق الإدارة الاستراتيجية لدى مديري مدارس مكتب التربية والتعليم بالروابي في مدينة الرياض [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)